Keeping Gold and Glory Fair and Fun!
Thank you for participating in the closed beta test. We are highly understand the importances of fair environment to players, and that is the reason why we have zero-tolerance policy for any cases of violating rules. Once we detect the behaviors of cheating, we will immediately verify it and implement a serious penalty.
How You Can Help:
We also rely on our community to help us keep the game fair. If you encounter any suspicious behavior or exploits, please report them through our official channels. Your vigilance helps us maintain the integrity of Gold and Glory.
Thank You for Your Support!
A huge thank you to all our honest players who uphold the spirit of adventure and fair competition. Together, we’re building a stronger, more vibrant community.
Recent Actions:
326 Accounts Banned: In the past week, we’ve banned 326 accounts for using third-party software, exploiting bugs, and engaging in other forms of cheating.
SA***MA | di***uy | hi***ux | ma***66 | Ph***uu |
wi***15 | M3***T0 | Lo***ed | Ca***ro | xh***ll |
ba***so | 31***55 | Bi***n⅝ | Lu***ss | Es***cz |
Ez***el | CE***pk | 华S***nn | 4J***VD | An***oo |
ZO***SH | KI***ON | Ge***re | Mi***nn | ho***ep |
pp***ek | ka***uk | Th***en | z7***av | Lu***UL |
ky***ii | GL***sh | ps***ck | Mi***nn | S7***3l |
ba***nn | Ki***ss | li***lp | ma***je | dj***xx |
wu***ut | SR***DO | MA***AJ | up***WE | V *** ㅤ |
su***z2 | Us***la | Mi***n3 | up***TI | Mi***ev |
sh***ga | xo***36 | 橘子***自私 | Ma***gg | No***ua |
Zx***nn | Da***BS | ki***88 | 好伤***伤心 | Al***ek |
CH***X⁷ | Ha***ㅤㅤ | Eo***ra | VI***AX | Te***sb |
MI***AW | Su***ow | Pe***tw | ar***um | Wa***IP |
橘子***做人 | ja***an | KS***XP | Ma***06 | ak***sj |
mẹ***ai | Ar***os | 御白***御白 | 我滴***滴妈 | Ja***el |
nn***ti | Dr***xo | Fc***gg | そし***しゃ | WI***NN |
or***en | Te***ng | 0J***jQ | he***ix | Sh***su |
da***dd | gB***m2 | He***os | so***ac | Pa***²7 |
vn***mm | LE***RY | 伦子***伦子 | mi***lo | La***ye |
薇Y***mi | Ry***ON | gi***hi | Lu***PS | カイ***ロス |
Pi***tt | Th***ni | La***hh | Ph***mu | co***zo |
Ps***oq | TY***KO | De***ng | se***ur | La***ee |
暗い***ow | Ca***ee | C¢***lo | Al***ak | So***ut |
Ya***ce | ba***le | Gl***an | Ka***oo | To***gg |
J3***et | SE***AL | 摸金***校尉 | 卧槽***泥马 | Su***pi |
Ru***et | yu***it | 6i***jL | DA***SS | 7I***gJ |
za***zz | Ga***on | To***tt | Fc***ht | Yx***Di |
as***u1 | Gi***07 | as***wd | ba***nt | LU***Iス |
Ba***v0 | Am***fy | uc***MM | KA***AL | To***ng |
AR***YY | Ak***ki | TH***ZZ | Mi***nn | ki***ra |
Re***3T | Ha***ng | Li***ee | ch***ay | mm***kg |
Ya***nn | EL***G2 | No***66 | KD***Hs | Ma***an |
be***ps | 薇Y***ut | Co***es | QQ***50 | Su***in |
kr***ya | Ic***oz | Ra***23 | Sl***lT | LA***ZY |
ka***en | Bu***am | El***an | Yo***ii | Mi***Bi |
Ma***ik | sa***ng | ED***NG | zo***Ub | Li***ng |
Bu***tU | Jo***an | Wh***xo | Da***st | MS***SV |
Bj***nn | LU***ET | He***TH | Mi***nn | ko***op |
He***on | Ml***AN | Sy***na | 你们***些白 | ya***ag |
Ma***ev | OI***JU | up***TK | ㅤㅤ***❤️ | Bo***on |
K0***ap | MI***NN | up***MK | xq***Ko | Zh***ii |
Oz***ie | 煮花***花生 | ZY***KO | Wi***77 | bm***gi |
ㅤㅤ***ㅤ¹ | ma***77 | 迪迦***特曼 | Ya***mi | Mi***ng |
no***en | yo***11 | 南城***南城 | x7***7x | pi***uu |
IG***GO | mi***n2 | up***MP | Th***il | CL***ir |
ap***97 | Tu***a✓ | up***SD | FA***16 | DT***al |
cr***70 | TF***Af | Cr***ac | Sp***ee | ペニ***oス |
ไก***ก่ | 25***ce | Km***ww | Yu***67 | Cr***45 |
Nl***lf | ta***re | 看不***不懂 | EL***05 | LU***YA |
KO***OL | B3***3n | Bg***vD | Zo***ng | Th***hh |
Va***ro | Ny***ek | ry***11 | Mi***ng | ☆R***A☆ |
Ne***da | Ch***Dv | Wr***rf | ku***ng | Lo***er |
Ve***st | Re***ed | ha***rs | wV***sl | Mi***yg |
Ke***os | Go***er | ad***jk | El***92 | ce***RL |
sa***ss | HE***01 | Re***ug | Lu***sh | jn***te |
si***di | O1***kL | kv***m7 | Me***ta | nc***jf |
KH***B3 | 32***YO | TU***Sㅤ | 我认***认为 | He***69 |
To***er | Xi***HH | Hi***er | Hɪ***sᴛ | na***ng |
Cl***te | Co***uy | 摸金***天师 | Mi***nn | vi***mo |
Ta***re | ge***am | Ar***Op | Ba***мм | 吴亦***凡1 |
pr***kl | Xi***hy | MA***LI | CH***X⁹ | wa***Pk |
pl***AU | L1***Y4 | Ml***NN | An***ii | el***ge |
Wa***nn | Bg***SS | Mi***u1 | Au***ae | au***nn |
oN***Yj | Ry***oy | Ed***4E | 3z***Xf | Jo***lk |
Ya***rt |
Stay vigilant, and may your adventures be free from foul play!